Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!
We spent the weekend with my in laws doing home improvement projects.  You know...all very Eastery.  But we got the railing built so I consider that a smashing success.  I am FREAKING out about redecorating our house.  FREAKING out!  We tried to sell the house last year and had no luck.  During that time I really didn't put any effort into decorating projects or, for example, purchasing a desperately needed new sofa because I envisioned us in a new house this year.  But, here we are still and now the urge to do those things coupled with an insane hormone-induced nesting frenzy is really proving to be overwhelming.  

I have been furiously shopping for a new sofa but Jeff has listed a bunch of parameters that he insists I adbide by (three cushions vs two, for example).  SO annoying.  So I'm not having a lot of luck finding something I like in our price range.  Having lots of luck, ironically, in a much higher price range  but isn't that always the case.  So with my mother-in-law here this weekend we took a little trip out to see what we could find

So the quick backstory to this may not seem related but hang in there.  When Sam was born he was frank breech.  The means that he was not only breech but his little legs were folded straight up in front of his body.  He was essentially staring at his ankles for a few months.  Lovely ankle in my opionion....but perhaps not so comfie.  This in-utero positioning lead to a severe tilt in his neck (callled torticollis) because the muscle on the left side of his neck was contracted very tightly.   This, among other things, also contributed to a significant flattening of the back of his head (plagiocephaly).  So, in the months since last summer we have seen numerous specialists to have this neck tilt corrected and a helmet fit to correct the plagiocephaly.  

This may seem trivial and silly but it has always been my opinion that the nicer you look the more respect you garner and better service you receive in a professional situation.  So when ever we would visit the specialits I would always wear nice clothes, jewelry etc (as opposed to the aforemetioned non showered, yoga clothes wearing disaster that I normally am).  And Jeff would always have a suit on.  This is my general habit for all professional services we seek.  My one exception to this rule is when you FURNITURE shop.  I hate furniture salepeople (sorry to those whom I've now offended).  They follow you around the store like starving hawks salivating all over you.  Yuck.  So in an effort to thwart all the unnecessary attention I like to look as slovenly as possible.  And yes, these days that is not so much of a stretch.

So my MIL and pack Sam into the car and head off to Lazy-Boy to see what they have to offer.  I am wearing faded black cotton pants, a purple t-shirt with peas on it and one of Jeff's huge fleeces decorated in a unsightly amount of dog hair.  In essence, I looked like I was homeless.  Just the way I like to shop :)  
One couch caught my eye and a very polite sale girl was bored enough to explain all the fabric choices to me.   My preference is light blue which would be tricky to keep clean so she went on to tell me all of the stain protection options.  At the very end of her little explanation she was listing all the things that their super stain protection goo protects the couch from and with a final pause, she end on "bodily fluids".  

Bodily Fluids!?!?

Do I look like the kind of person that has a problem with bodily fluids???!?!?!  Ok...well I am sitting here in your showroom looking like I walked out from under an overpass.....but do I look like I would have a problem with peeing on my couch!?!?  What is going on here?  Do other people have a problem peeing on their couches?  Is that a big selling point?  The ability to repel pee from your couch?  Is that why our other couch turned so yellow??? (ok..just kidding)


So after that we headed home.  I suppose I might need to rethink my theory on appearance :)  But if you're in the market for a highly repellant couch that you can pee on ......Lazy Boy can hook you up.  Then you will never have to miss any must see TV!

Just a quick photo op before I wipe spaghetti off every surface in the dining room and head to bed.....we did a little gardening this weekend. Sam did a little un-gardening for me.

And then a quick taste of his handiwork :)

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